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Jefferson Mining District Boundary                 

A Congressionally Acknowledged Miner's Government As A Matter of Law

                          Jefferson Mining District

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Helping to protect Locateable mineral entryman & prospectors and other Mining Law beneficiaries since Establishment.

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Exposing how to deal with the Consensus Kakistocracy intent on infringing your antecedent or granted rights, property and so much more.

WARNING: A JMD Assemblyman was approached by an EOMA representative with a FRAUDULENT PERMIT INDUCEMENT REGARDING MINING & WATER RIGHTS promoting MMAC style "mining district authority" the effect of which would be to extort, coerce or unlawfully infringe those granted mining & water rights. It violates the JMD permanent injunction against the State.
See JMD Lawsuit Victory Below.
See the Mineral Grants starting in 1866 and the Oregon Water Law GRANT of 1899 below. Instead, the promoted "authority" was pursuant to MMAC FRAUDULENT or Misrepresented "mining district" water authority having no basis in law. Even if it were a lawful permit application, the application is a serious Safety & Security breach to all grantees. And caused so because agencies do not consult with EACH grantee as required by law. Don't Be Deceived. Don't sign the DEQ permit document. EOMA and MMAC are not your friends. Educate yourself to the fact. MMAC-assisted "mining districts" are State legal entities, not actual mining districts. Contact us and we can explain it through properly interpreted law.
Public Land for the People has stated, "The relationship between PLP and MMAC is stronger than ever and will continue to grow in 2017" fully supporting this deception against you, grantees and other beneficiaries, to our detriment.
Regarding protecting mineral property in asserting the grants, not compromising granted Locateable mineral rights by not straddling the unlawfully imposed regulatory fence, "I'm having trouble with my Board of Directors on that." - Jerry Hobbs. Stated at a GPAA sponsored Gold Show, Roseburg.
Do not compromise your property, rights, or remedies, placing them in the hands of foreign corporate interests.

 Regarding mining in the State of Oregon promoting that Oregon “is open for resource business”, yet contrary to this promotion, and consistent with its unlawful prohibition legislation, there is no risk capital assistance available for economic development of mining despite historical lawful obligations and duties requiring it.
 To overcome these Governmental obstructions and myths, Jefferson Mining District presented to Baker County Regional Economic Development that from state-known conservative figures, of 11 known mines in Baker county, $500 million annual out-of-ground wealth yield is available to create, by the state recognized 20:1 Economic Multiplier Effect for derivative business stimulation, 10 Billions dollars of economic growth annually in Baker county alone.
 This presentation to the regional economic adviser of available but untapped production-based wealth value was met with antagonism and which did nothing to counter that the state actually has a not open for business posture and attitude.
 Jefferson Mining District will continue to press to make sure Oregon really is open for the businesses producers provide for and the local products people are currently deprived of.

Removing these obstructions is imperative. Private property and wealth generation is the foundation which makes America unparalleled in the World.

Mining & Other Important Related Information

MMAC Adulterating What a Mining District Is
   Do Not Be Fooled By Sly Shysters Peddling Foreign Agency Advisory-assisted "mining districts" as legitimate.
NOTE: A MMAC-assisted "mining district", or otherwise, organized under state or federal law, is not a non-dependent miner's government.
Where Accountability is needed, the planned legislation, a cob-job of Applied Ignorance, is also inconsistent and contrary to the obligations and duties of both the Congress and the States and is not a "fix" for the otherwise adequate mining law.

Another push for an ill-informed, ill-advised adulteration to mining law is not what is needed. Accountability to existing law is what is needed.

Don't Be Deceived.

Mining Districts are NOT & cannot be "federal agencies".

Undermined by False Promotions
Crush Under The
Crushed By MMAC Bureaucratic Overburden
Why won't MMAC & Cohorts answer to their misrepresentations?


MMAC Offer Rejection Order

IN SUMMARY:  Advisory Councils, like MMAC, are not mining districts, cannot represent mining districts and do not actually Coordinate but are merely part of a Government-sponsored consensus process only advising agency pre-determinations of which no legitimate mining district can be associated. A "mining district" formed under the laws of the state is not a congressionally acknowledged miner's government and may only collaborate or cooperate, but not Coordinate as an actual miner's government.

Don't Be Deceived By Pretenders & Con-artists.

Additional MMAC Order Explanation

Hour 1:  Behind The Woodshed  - March 22, 2015.

Now Read The Warning From Policy Consensus ORG -

"Cautionary Note: Participation is the Key to Legitimacy
Government-sponsored consensus processes are not the traditional forums in which policies are made, administered, or adjudicated in a democracy. In traditional forums, the mechanisms for determining who participates directly in the writing and administration of law are spelled out in constitutions, charters, statutes, and rules. Consensus-seeking processes are adjuncts to traditional democratic processes; they can shift the locus of public decision making."

NOTE: Participation in this Advisory Council implementing policy is contrary to the republic form of representative government obligated to protect your property.

2013 Oregon Legislative Activity of Jefferson Mining District
The legislative failures to the 2013 activity required JMD to sue to enjoin multiple State Actors and aiders and abettors subject to such a remedy in Equity whom failed to respond to the suit, the consequent default judgment from which, the prevailing party being Jefferson Mining District, et al:

For instance, Section E of the EOMA, via MMAC collusive, DEQ Permit application, mentioned above, is in direct violation of the injunction against the State pursuant to JMD v Kitzhaber, 2013. Additionally, the promotion of the DEQ permit application is at least two felonies under state law.     ORS 164.075 & 163.275.

For Real Protections

Jefferson Mining District Coordination Officers are effectively exposing the Federal and State Government intentions to harm producers and is creating a record of governmental abuses, such as the Sage Grouse science fraud, in preparation to enjoining these unlawful agendas should any plans contrary to the laws of the United States or inconsistent with any lawful requirements be promulgated. Don't rely on others to protect your property. Step up and take responsibility.

Jefferson Mining District can help.

JMD Exposing Fraud 
of Biblical Proportions

More Fore$t $ervice Fraud
Government Created Di$a$ter

Fed$ To Blame ACT OF GOD To Cover Agency Fore$t Mi$management contrary to principle Fore$t $ervice E$tablishment, 16 USC 475

Planned Fire Cata$trophe
Fire Class Map Click to
Click to enlarge
Red is Cla$$ 3 Un$toppable Conflagration
No Class 1, low threat, areas designated
They will deny it, but the agencies are not managing to reduce fire and would be harvesting, not thinning, if they were.

For FEMA Emergency $$$ & Land Control & Destruction.

 Watch for the sequel agency plague:
And Came The Beetle$

Legal News
Putting an end to the EPA's "secret science"
Virtually all EPA regulations have been justified (sic) by nontransparent data and unverifiable claims.

Powder River Basin Coal-Mining Lease Upheld by Court 

We think the BLM acted reasonably by weighing environmental concerns before agreeing to open lands adjacent to Antelope's existing mine near Douglas, Wyoming, the unanimous three-judge panel concluded.

Bullion banks forcing hedging to replenish their gold stocks?
    Could there be hidden agenda behind the latest drive by? "the reports suggest, the bullion banks are now exerting pressure on the basic gold suppliers - the miners - to supply gold directly to them"

Ninth Circuit holds agencies cannot amend rules through court settlements, i.e., "Sue and Settle agreements"

Court finds plaintiffs lack standing to bring climate change claims

Ninth Circuit issues en banc decision holding that Forest Service's decision not to regulate mining triggers ESA section 7 consultation requirements

Ninth Circuit's "federal defendant" intervention rule in NEPA cases finally meets its end: Wilderness Society v. United States Forest Service

Fourth Circuit Finds That Carrying a Firearm in an Open-Carry State Does Not Create Reasonable Suspicion and Provides Thorough Analysis of the "Free to Leave" Standard of Seizure

Extremist Pseudo-Environmental Group Known to Sue and Settle "Wins":

    Three companies granted permits, including Tidewater (above), Freeman Rock and South Coast Lumber Co., will be allowed to continue gravel mining on the Chetco River until a remedy is worked out between government agencies and an environmental group.
    Because the Curry Pilot is such a Special Interest Rag, JMD includes instead the court decision so you can decide why the miners are still mining despite some failures of public participation. The court explains why better than the shills at the Pilot.
    The decision doesn't lead with more than a mention of the "Human Environment" priority, or that discharge into the river does not mean extraction from the river. But it has some interesting things to say, such as little if any harm due to mining. And Status Quo means mining where ever it has been done as in this case.
Sea Shepherd conservation group declared 'pirates' in US court ruling
"The appeals court also sharply criticized judge Richard Jones who presided over the original case.
His decision raises "doubts as to whether he will be perceived as impartial in presiding over this high-profile case", Kozinski wrote."

Federal Court Ruling Condemns NOAA's Salmon Opinion
[Updated Link. Orig. "" Removed]

Case Opinion:
"In sum, the Fisheries Service's November 2008 BiOp relied on a selection of data, tests, and standards that did not always appear to be logical, obvious, or even rational."

EPA Ex-boss Jackson Caught Breaking Law, Scamming U.S. Taxpayers

"Working with extremist pseudo-environmental groups using a controversial scheme dubbed "sue and settle"."

Mining Camp Peace

Mining Feature News

10th Amendment Power
To Save The People Of Western Counties

Government to Government Coordination
Used to Identify Agencies Harms

Benewah County, Idaho, brings to light in a meeting with the USFS Region 1 Forester, Faye Krueger, and IPNF Forest Supervisor, Mary Farnsworth, how the USFS has failed to comply with the laws and ignored the economic situation facing western countryside communities. The USFS callous arrogance is apparent as the USFS continues to endanger the Health, Safety and Welfare, impoverishing the countryside. You can help stop the Bureaucratic Stranglehold.

Stop Travel Management Plans
that are inconsistent with federal or state law.
JMD Can Help You Protect Your Granted Ingress and Egress.


Coordination Information
How to Stop A Bad Land Management Plan
BEFORE it Affects You.

Contact the Jefferson Mining District Recorder
With Your Interest.

Media Censorship Though invited by the Grants Pass Daily Courier editor Kevin Widdison, to provide a statement for publication for a ""point-counterpoint" style" regarding the mineral withdrawal, the following timely filed Statement was nonethessless not published, censored, disrespecting congressional grantees, which we publish here: Jefferson Mining District and South West Oregon Mining Association Joint Statement on the proposed mineral withdrawal The PUBLIC NOTICE of the unlawfulness of the proceedings to date and that of the legislation proposed, as well the fiduciary breach by the congressmen and senators calling for withdrawal.
Oregon Highway Act of 1901

Here is an example of a successful Coordination Assertion which stopped the Willowa-Whitman Travel Management Plan, TMP.

Wallowa-Whitman Travel Management Plan Stopped in its Tracks:

Listen About The Victory People Stopping Local Federal Oppression; Broadcast Content: Lyrid Shower People Power Drives PolyTics To Town Hall Appealing To Administrative Tyranny Agency Start Over Misappropriation Public Funds The Clock Stops Persistence Prevails Though Battle Will Continue:


Mining Law
& Learning Center

Mineral Lands Prohibition to States, 1865
Law of Possession of 1865
Mineral Grant of 1866
Placer Act of 1870
Act to Protect the Rights of Miners of 1871
General Mining Act of 1872
An Act Excluding Missouri & Kansas 1876
Oregon Water Law of 1899

Executive Order 10997
Doctrine & Law of Possessory Actions (22 pgs)
Digest of the Law of Mines & Minerals (1878) (480 pgs)
Manual of American Mining Law as Practiced In The Western States & Territories (1882) 
Mining Rights in the Western States and Territories - 1903 (538 pgs)
Relations of the Government to Mining (Origins of Mining Law) - 1879 (80 pgs)
Mining Camps: A Study in American Frontier Government - 1885 (324 pgs)
Mining Law for the Prospector, Miner & Engineer - 1911 (357 pgs)
Mining Rights on the Public Domain - 1908 (600 pgs)
Land Laws of the Mining Districts - 1884 (67 pgs)
Digest of the Laws of Mines & Minerals (case law) - 1878 (473 pgs)
Ron Gibson's 2008 Letter to Senator Gordon Smith, the Act of 1866 Executive Summary The Mining Law: The Extent of Federal Authority Over Public Domain


Learning Center

Go to the Mining Rights Learning Center for more



Public Domain Mining Information & Articles 

The Mineral Resources of Oregon - 1903 (book)
The Mineral Resources of Oregon - 1916 (book)
Geology & Ore Deposits of the Takilma-Waldo, Oregon District - 1933) (book)
Medford, Oregon as a Mining Center - 1912 (book)
Mines of the Riddles Quadrangle, Oregon - 1907 (book)
Mineral Resources of the Grants Pass Quadrangle, Oregon - 1908 (book)
Mineral Resources of South West Oregon - 1914 (book)
Distribution of Placer Gold in the Sixes River, Oregon - 1970 (book)
Oregon Metal Mines Handbook - Josephine County - 1952 (book)
Oregon Metal Mines Handbook - Jackson County - 1943 (book)
Oregon Metal Mines Handbook - Coos, Curry and Douglas County - 1940 (book)
Mining in Josephine County - 1900 (book)
The Rogue River Valley Coal Fields - 1907 (article)
Mining Districts of the United States - 1912 (book)
Northwest Mines Handbook - 1918 (book)
The International Mines Handbook - 1922 (book)
Mining on Althouse Creek - 1935 (series)
The Stampede to Red Dog - 1900 (article)
Platinum in Josephine County - 1903 (article)

Your Right to Ingress/Egress
& other "RS 2477" Info


Idaho roadblock remains after judge intervenes
Merkley gets an earful about forest road closures


Learning Center:

Oregon Highway Act of 1901
Chairman's Final Report Concerning the November 13th Subcommittee on Forests & Forest Health
(Reaffirms the Grant of 1866 and its relevance to Rights of Way) - 2000

Learn more about your right of ingress and ingress and 1866 Sec 8

Learn more about mining in Oregon in our mining information center

Go to the Local Mining News Archive
for older stories


Solution Revolution Event - flyer.

UPDATE: Jefferson Mining District Assemblymen, as well, members of the South West Oregon Mining Association attended. Suggestions where provided by Jefferson Mining District Assemblymen orally which were intended to bring the Solution promoted, rather than revolutionary, to being more consistent with the land disposal laws and the obligations of the United States and of the States, as these are contractually, lawfully, and fiduciarily obligated to private producers, such as is fulfilled in the Mining Law, or in re-instituting the Homestead Act, among other things.


Mining Weekly

Older Yet Still Important News & Information

Pitkin v. Goliath (U.S. Forest Service) I - II {A Way To Open County Roads}
Have You Seen This "ILLEGAL TRAIL" Surveillance Sign? 
U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against State on Riverbed Ownership
USFS Steals Miner Dave's Property  
Spectators Locked Out of Miner Dave's Hearing
Agencies Plan Surprise Inspections on Rogue River
Four Ounce Gold Nugget Found near Gold Ray
OSP Senior Trooper Behaving Badly
BLM to Idaho Miner: We Supercede U.S. Constitution
Southern Oregon Miner Killed on Klamath River
USFS to SW Oregon Miner: "If this was any other country, we'd just take you out!" 
USFS Terror: Two Oregon Miners Expose Repressive & Illegal Agency Activity
Hal Anthony on the Public Land vs. Public Domain
Southern Oregon Miner Defeats USFS in Court
Hal Anthony on Mining Districts
Hal Anthony on Granted Mining Rights, mining permits and Coordination
The Mining Law: The Extent of Federal Authority Over Public Domain

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